1) Striving to eliminate regret, let go of petty grudges and engage in regular acts of reconciliation and forgiveness. Tougher than it sounds.

2) Terry Sedgewick at the House of Pain tells me that people who are regularly forced to walk up and down stairs live on the average fifteen years long. He couldn't cite the study, and fifteen years seems like a long time, but there's some merit in that.

3) The team is running well and track season is winding down. Really eager to see all my runners finish with big fat PR's and a new wellspring of personal confidence.

4) Just ordered Kelly Starrett's book, Ready to Run. Looking forward to seeing what he has to say. Not a huge fan of running advice from non-runners, but his philosophy on movement and conditioning is fascinating. Hoping to pluck a few good nuggets from the mix.

5) Boston Marathon on Monday. I haven't run it since the 100th anniversary, and really truly thought my marathon days were over. But then a buddy reminded me at dinner last night that my dad still holds our family marathon record, set at Boston in 1980. I can't break the record unless I run the race. Sigh. It would take an enormous mindset shift on my part to go after it (2:42!!), but it would also be pretty cool to toe the line at Boston again. Good luck t all the marathoners on Monday, especially the inimitable Alan Mariconda.

Today's Workout

Flat 60' tempo on the San Clemente beach trail. I'm a big believer that long tempo efforts are a key component to building speed, strength, and running economy. Having the team run as a pack and push each other also adds accountability and camaraderie.