


I had visions of matinees.

Way back when I worked in the corporate world I was given an enormous promotion without the posted salary. I was working twice as hard, for twice as many hours, for not much than I'd been making before the new title. I hated the work but bills don't pay themselves. It was a watershed moment in my life when my boss told me I wasn't getting the big fat raise to go with the job. The scales fell from my eyes and I knew the corporate world would always be like that, broken promises and raised expectations that constantly meant putting work before family.

I vowed to get out.



I felt responsible yesterday. It's a rough word, implying maturity and sober organization. Some days I've got it, some days I don't. But yesterday, after literally years of being reminded that it was necessary, my wife and I finally signed our will. It's a heavy moment when you sign your will.